Saturday, November 30, 2013

Moving and other things...

I know it has been at least 2 months since my last post, but lets be real my life isn't as interesting as some may think. Don't get me wrong, I love every little aspect of it just not a whole lot happens that is worthy of a blog post. I think at least 10 people told me I should really post about our move to South Dakota and everything in between, but I really don't like to think about it in general. I think if I wasn't sick the whole time I would be more willing to share all the details but just thinking about it makes me a little nauseous. 

I will sum it up, we had to leave Eielson September 30th because that was what the people in charge told us so we drove to Anchorage and spent a few days there. Our ferry left on the 7th of October so around the 4th or 5th we left anchorage and headed towards Haines AK. Canada was beautiful, from the time we left Anchorage I was beyond sick so I didn't get any pictures to share, it took about 2 days to get to Haines, we saw a ton of bald eagles right outside of Haines and we also decided we love it and want to retire there. We boarded the ferry on the 7th at around 11:30pm and the first night was great I slept like a baby, but the next 2 and a half days were not quite as good. That toilet and I became best friends (morning sickness mixed with motion sickness is not a good combination) and we can leave it at that. We made it to Bellingham WA on the 11th and headed over to my Aunt Elizabeth's house. We spent a good couple hours together and they took us to downtown Seattle to Pikes Place and we walked around and had a blast! It was so much fun to catch up and see my cousins!

We left Seattle that night and headed over to Portland to Brian's Uncle David's house and we spent some time with him and Stephen (I hope I spelled that right) they took us to this really yummy sandwich place and in the morning they made us breakfast which included french toast, bacon, pastries and orange juice and it was so good! They didn't have syrup so we used jam instead and it was really good, We then took off to go see Brian's Aunt Cathy in Rocklin CA. We got in kind of late, but they made us dinner which was also really good! Tri tip never fails, in the morning we had waffles and headed on our way to the central coast of California to see our families. We spent 5 days visiting with parents, grandparents, and friends Brian even went on a scuba diving trip in San Diego so we really enjoyed our time with everyone, but once again we headed on our way to my dads house in Maricopa AZ. We got in really late, 4am, the next day was super relaxing we just hung out and spent some time with my dad and his family and we had a really good time. We left the next day for New Mexico and made it earlier than some other places but still late, we had pictures the next day so we got to sleep fairly quickly. We made it to pictures the next day at this adorable little park our photographer was one of my babysitters when I was about 5 so it was a fun session and an added bonus to catch up with her and have her meet my hubby! We left after we had some lunch and headed to Colorado to see my grandma, great aunt, aunt, uncle, and cousins. (they live across the street from each other) We had so much fun spending time with everyone! We left the next day for our final day of travel and got into Rapid City that evening. We stayed with Kevin for a few days until we found a house.

That is the condensed version of our trip believe it or not. We really did have so much fun seeing everyone and spending a little time with each and every one of you guys! 

Now I wanted to give you all an update on our lives here in South Dakota. Brian works 24s and every two weeks he gets what is called a Kelly day, which means he gets a normal work day off making it 3 days in a row of being off work. I got a job at Victoria's Secret and I absolutely love it! I work a whole bunch and its been really nice keeping busy. We've been making friends, which is awesome. We were able to invite a few people over for dinner and we played the new game Brian bought me called the Game of Things and it is hilarious! I am officially 15 weeks pregnant and no I'm not showing yet, that seems to be a popular question people ask me so I figured I would get that out of the way before it gets asked. I am actually so grateful I'm not showing because I do not want people coming up and randomly touching my stomach, I'm already not a touchy person, like I barely hug my mom so the thought of someone I know let alone someone I don't even know coming up to touch me freaks me out. I know its going to happen, but the longer I can postpone it the better. We had our first ultra sound on the 15th of November and Brian was so excited he couldn't stop talking about the little hands and feet. We started painting the nursery or I should say Brian started painting, he doesn't want me exposed to the fumes which is really sweet of him. He put primmer on the walls so far, we decided to wait until we find out what we are having to paint colors. We will probably have our next ultra sound when I am around 20 weeks or more and that's when we should find out if its a boy or girl

That is everything I wanted to tell you all about, I think.... I forget a lot of things lately so I think I covered all my bases. Anyway I will try to keep everyone updated on everything so until then Happy Holidays!