Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Nursery!

I have gotten a lot of requests for pictures of our nursery, so to make everyone happy at once I will put them all here! We have had so much fun painting and getting everything how I want it. Brian has been very patient with me and how many times I have changed my mind about where to hang/ put things. He really has been a huge help, I have picked almost everything out (he has also helped pick things out) and he is the one that has put everything where it belongs. There are some things he has put his foot down about and I throw my little fit, but in the end it has all worked out. Keep in mind we haven't 100% found a home for everything.

First, I want to mention how amazing Brian is. He painted the whole room, hung all the shelves/ pictures, and put together all the furniture! I know I already said something in the first paragraph, but he did most of these things while I was at work so I would come home to a fantastic surprise! He truly did so much with the room, if it wasn't for him there probably wouldn't be a room! Now I will show you the room!

We lucked out when it came to this rocker! I had a very specific look in mind when it came to the furniture and I was very picky, so when we would find a good deal on a rocker or dresser or what have you on Craigslist or Facebook I would end up not liking it and we would move on. When I came across this chair it was exactly what I wanted and I was so sure someone had already claimed it. I contacted the lady and sure enough it was still available! So I snatched this sucker up! I love it so much, it's my favorite place to sit in the whole house!

We found the cutest light for the room at Lowes for $8.00! This was one of those moments when Brian put his foot down. I originally wanted to put a hanging light/ mini chandelier up, I had seen so many pictures of other nurseries on Pinterest that had them and I was in love with the idea, but Brian thought it was too much. He was going with a more simple approach and was looking at basic lights. While looking at all the options we found this light and it made both of us happy, so we went with it and I think it looks fantastic!

We had been looking for a basket to put all the stuffed animals in that my mom sent me, and we just couldn't find one that we both liked. Until we went to Wal-mart of all places, and found this one for $5.00 and it works so perfectly!

 I made the mobile, it was one of the most frustrating projects I have ever done! Brian jokes and says it was the bane of my existence, and that's probably why it took me 3 months to finish it, I originally had different butterflies on it, but I swapped them out for the more plain ones. (which I like better anyways) In the end I'm happy with the result, I will never make another one unless someone pays me like $50.00, but seriously, never again.

I also did all the artwork for the nursery on account that I'm too cheep to pay for artwork.

We still need to finish the side table (which isn't in here yet) so the lamp has somewhere to go, but I think overall we have put together one darn cute nursery! I hope everyone that reads this has enjoyed my virtual tour because I know I enjoyed putting it together!