Saturday, May 2, 2015

Chloe is 11 Months old!

Chloe has hit the 11 month mark! It is incredible how much has changed in the last month. For starters she's a full blown walker and loves to get into things. She has discovered what climbing is and that's what she is all about! I will catch her trying to climb up on the couch and she will get pretty far, but not far enough. So I'm pretty impressed with her, when I look over the edge to see how she has done this, she's standing on Unos head and he just puts up with it. She likes to snatch things from us when we aren't looking, when we catch her we will ask her to bring it to us. She will begin to walk towards us or almost make it to us then she turns around and runs away giggling and screaming. She loves it when we chase her for whatever she has.
She responds to certain things we say, for example, she will come when I say "follow me" or "come on baby." "Bring it to me" is another she will respond to correctly, we are working on "stop" and "no hitting" she doesn't quite have those, but she will. She really enjoys being silly and making us laugh, she will take the pillows from the couch and run away with them and fall on them. Anytime she gets a blanket or article or clothing she will put it up over her head so its on the back of her neck and then take it off, usually it covers her face so when she takes it off she thinks it's so funny! She likes to run into the couch or our bed and we will find her hitting her head against hard surfaces, she is quite the character.
She likes to make faces and have us copy them, that's another fun game we play. She is eating more food everyday, I know she likes touching and feeling it in her hands, but i feel like most of it goes to the dogs. She also waves now, but not like normal babies, she raises her arm and holds it there in mid air and it is so cute. She says mama and dada and we are working on saying nana next. Her two bottom front teeth have finally come in and she loves to give kisses and bite down now. She is so fun and we are always on the move!
We love you sweet girl!