Saturday, June 13, 2015

Chloe turns 1, her party, and the move

Holy cow, this last month has been crazy!! Chloe turned 1 on May 26th and I know I'm a couple weeks behind, but like I said it has been crazy over here! More on that later, I want to tell you all about my Tiny!

We went and had her 1 year check up and she weighs 19 lbs 12 oz and is 30 inches long. What this means is, she is destined to play volleyball and do gymnastics!

She has 3 going on 4 teeth now with 4 more on their way, so we are on the non stop train to Teething-ville right now. It's all okay because the snuggles are more than worth it!

She now naps in her crib! After we got back from Denver she decided it was a good idea and I agree with her on every level! I loved holding her, don't get me wrong, but I also like doing the dishes and cleaning when its day time.

She can say quite a few words now, she says ball, fish, dog, daddy or doggie its hard to tell at this point, Dada, and mama. (Mama has two meanings, the first being my name (obviously) and the second she will say it when she wants to nurse. She sits on my lap and starts to pull at my shirt while saying mama repeatedly.) To top it all off she says the word associated with the item! She is brilliant I tell you!

She runs everywhere and listens when I tell her to do certain things. For example, When we go outside to play in the driveway and she starts to run for the street I tell her to come back and she does. It's to the point where she will only stay on the concrete, she wont stray and go in the yard. Its awesome! She knows what stop means and what no means, she will hand me things when I ask for them as well. 

She LOVES dancing, it doesn't matter what kind of music is on, she will dance to it. She really likes her daddies record player, but she will settle for my singing if that's her only option.

She has an obsession with the stairs, so we have been working with her on her balance. She does pretty darn good for her age.

She loves food! Her favorite is peas, next is green beans. She likes different fruits as well, she refuses to eat baby food though which is unfortunate considering we stocked our cupboards with it right before she stopped eating it. She also likes different varieties of meat!

Her hair is growing in, slowly but surely! There is not enough for a pony yet, but we will get there.

She is so smart I just cant believe how much she has accomplished so far!

She also loves animals, especially the dogs, which should come as no shock if you have seen the pictures I post of her with them. She loves them all, but she has a special bond with Uno, the German Shepard we have been fostering, He will let her do anything to him and I mean anything! She grabs his eye lids and pulls, she does the same to his mouth, but he just lets her. 

 Uno and his mommy Rachael left yesterday for California, Rachael is one of my friends that I met while I was working at Victoria's Secret and she is also who we went to first when we needed a baby sitter and Chloe adores her. We miss them and the house is so quiet without Uno, but we are also so happy that they get to finally go home after such a long time.

This was taken at Rachael's graduation from cosmetology school.

Back to Chloe, we celebrated her first birthday at my grandmas house in Parker, CO and we had a blast! Brian and I took her to the Zoo and we were surprised by how interactive she was with the animals! (seeing the animals) We tried to see all the animals and I think we made it to most of them. The giraffes are my favorite so when it started to rain they brought them into the giraffe house and you were able to go in and watch them do their giraffe thing! I was so excited (if you can't tell) The gorillas were cool too, One of the males was right up against the glass! I had Brian put Chloe in front of him, he was very aware of everyone watching him. It was so awesome! We also were able to feed some parrots! We all had so much fun, the zoo was really nice too! I was very impressed with the state of the animals, they all looked well taken care of and happy. 

After we got back from the zoo we had a party for her and so many family members were there! It was so awesome to be around so many of my favorite people, She tried "cake" (it was more of a banana muffin type than cake) for the first time, and she wasn't quite sure how to eat it. She liked it once she tried it so I will take it! She also opened her presents and really enjoyed eating the wrapping paper. She was so tired after such a long day she passed out in 20 minutes.

We spent a week in Denver, it was so awesome to be able to hand her to my mom or my cousin etc and have them babysit at a moments notice so Brian and I could go to the store alone or go on a date. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart! It really meant the world to us.

When we got back into town we moved two days later on base. The last two weeks have been insane! We live in an active construction zone so there's always beeping, and dust, and trucks everywhere. Now more people are moving in! We were the third family to move into the neighborhood so it was really quite for the last two weeks, but slowly everyone is coming. We now have neighbors across the street but not next to us just yet.

There you have it! A quick (ish) summary of the last month and a half. I do apologize to anyone who has been waiting for my blog post about Chloe's birthday. I hope you all enjoyed reading this post!