Friday, September 26, 2014

Chloe is 4 months old!

How on earth has it been 4 months?! It's not like i have felt like time has zoomed by, it definitely took its sweet time passing. Just looking back it seems like its flown by. Our beautiful baby girl is 4 months old today! She weighs around 13 lbs and already fits in 6 month footsie pj's. I love spending everyday with her, and watching her discover the world around her. Here are some fun facts about her!

  • She loves talking, she copies noises I make and babbles on and on about everything. It makes our conversations interesting! Her recent (as of two nights ago) favorite time for talking is around 430am. I'll go in and put her back to sleep, but it's so cute watching her babble away.
  • She is VERY clingy, I cant even put her down for nap time or she wakes up. The only time she willingly lets me put her down is bedtime. I really don't mind at all though, I love that all she wants is me holding her. It makes me feel good and extra loved. She doesn't like when other people hold her or talk to her, It's actually pretty funny.
  • we gave our turtle away and put fish in the aquarium, Chloe loves watching the fish! This has become a lifesaver when it comes to her clingy-ness because she will happily sit in front of it for a couple minutes so i can grab something to eat or clean, you get the picture. We LOVE our fish tank!
  • She likes singing with me, it mostly sounds like yelling but its quite adorable!
  • She smiles anytime she looks at me or Brian and laughs quite often. One of her favorite things to make her laugh is when I sit her on my stomach and bounce her. She also enjoys smooches on her cheeks.
  • We love Skyping with grandma and it happens to be the only time she will do tummy time.
  • Speaking of, she hates tummy time. We have tried everything and nothing has worked except grandma but she still only tolerates about 5 minutes. 
  • she doesn't roll over but she sits really good with my help. I figure she will figure the crawling thing out when she can sit on her own.
  • She hates her car seat. We don't know why but out of nowhere she hated being in her car seat so we don't get out much because I don't want to wrestle her into the car seat. 
  • We snuggle ALL THE TIME, and I couldn't ask for more! She is the light of my life and I love her so!

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