Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Sleep Schedule

I am naturally a night owl, I always have been and I always will be. But only to a certain point, for example, 2:30 am is usually where I give in and go to bed. The dogs are usually really good about going to bed and sleeping through the night when I turn in, and when I say "sleep through the night" i mean sleep until 7:50 and cry until mom feeds us breakfast, these dogs don't know what sleeping in is. 

Since Brian has been on the night shift for the last few weeks my sleep schedule has been all out of whack! When Brian is home on his off days I'll stay up to keep him company, but about a week ago I started to notice 2:30 turned to 3:30 then to 4:30 and so on and before I knew it I was sleeping all day and staying up all night. Seeing as I don't have a job and I mostly stay at home you wouldn't think this was a big deal, but it is. This is where the dogs come in. 

I now will go to sleep around 6 am and about two hours later Thor's face is all up in my grill wanting to go outside. Normally Brian would take care of the dogs the first time so I could sleep in till about ten, but now he gets home around six and goes to sleep around seven, so I don't want to wake him up and I don't want to wake up. I stumble downstairs anyways and take care of the dogs and go right back upstairs to fall back to sleep, this goes on for the whole day because Thor doesn't want to sleep. You would think I would learn my lesson and go to sleep at night like a normal person, but I don't. I hope Brian switches to days sometime soon otherwise I'm going to be a grumpy pants for a while.

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