Friday, March 22, 2013

A Shell Full of Happiness

Yesterday was a very exciting day for us. We drove into Fairbanks to go to Petco to get a turtle! We had so much fun getting everything ready. Earlier this week we went out and got the fish tank and everything the turtle would need to be happy. At Petco we bought a few extra things like decorations for the tank and we got the food.
Now it was time to pick out a turtle! We had so much fun deciding which one was perfect for us, we already decided to name it Sherman a few days ago so we tried to find the one turtle that fit the name. There were so many turtles it was so hard to choose. I was set on getting the red eared slider but Brian really wanted the little yellow one.
After awhile we both agreed on the little yellow eared slider. We thought the name fit and everything, but the manager told us we picked a female! So the name Sherman didn't quite work. I mean sure we could have put her back and picked a male, but we really liked her so we kept her. The manager packaged her up in a little box and we went on our merry way.

         On the way home we had to decide on a name, let me tell you some of the names we thought of were ridiculous! After about 20 minutes we decided on a name, let me introduce Mila the turtle!
After we got home we put Mila on the counter while we put the final touches on her tank.
When we finally put her in the tank she sunk to the bottom and sat there for awhile. Eventually she got comfortable and now she is very happy in her new home, she loves to swim and chase the fish, She's not a huge fan of her turtle dock, but we're hopeful she will change her mind on that.

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