Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Manic Monday

Yesterday was one interesting crazy day! It has been snowing on and off for the last couple days so everything has been a bit slippery. Brian and I decided to go to Fairbanks to get a few things, so we stopped by the shoppette here on base to get some gas and I went inside because I really wanted a F'real. For those who don't know what a F'real is, it's basically a glorified milkshake that I'm crazy addicted to. (Keep in mind I said that it was a bit more slippery and also when you live up here for awhile you seem to think you're invincible to the snow and ice and nothing can bring you down so you get comfortable and that's when God gets a sense of humor) On my way back to the car I'm a pretty happy camper drinking my F'real when out of nowhere I fall to the ground! Brian told me the sniper got me, in other words I slipped on some ice. I've never fallen before so I was a bit shocked and I convinced myself that it hurt, but I didn't really feel a thing.... it was weird. Good news is, that I didn't spill my drink!

All I was doing was complaining after my incident and I just wanted to go home, but Brian knew better and would have none of my nonsense! When we got to Fairbanks we went over to Petco to get Mila a new turtle dock because we think the one she had was too small for her and that's why she didn't really use it. We walked around with the dogs and got what we needed, we also decided Mila deserved a little treat so we got about 10 feeder fish for her, a new plant, and a moss ball. We checked out and went to the car and put everything in the back then headed across the way to Wal-Mart.

I was a little skeptical about leaving the fish in the car with Thor because he gets into EVERYTHING, but I had a little hope because he doesn't get into the groceries. So we go into Wal-Mart and get what we need and when we come out and open up the back of the car what do we find? We find a very naughty puppy that tore up the plant we bought and tried to eat the fish and moss ball. Luckily 7 of the 10 fish we bought were still in the corner of the bag in the smallest amount of water, alive. We found two more in the car that were alive, when Brian picked them up one fell onto the snow and the other made it into the bag. We headed back to Petco to try to salvage what we could of the fish and moss ball, The lady that helped us came over and immediately got us new bags and gave us two more fish complimentary! We had to get a new plant because I didn't think the previous one was salvageable, so we checked out and left only to find Thor in the back eating rocks.

We made it home and put the tank together and I was able to salvage the messed up plant! Sure it doesn't look like it did when we bought it, but that's what gives it character, right? The night goes on we had dinner which Brian made and might I add it was
exceptional as always! Before bed I sometimes like to make tea because it calms me or something, So I'm making tea for both of us and I have Brian's mug kind of sitting underneath the cupboard, but also by the edge of the counter. Its hard to explain, but I think you get the picture. Anyways, as I'm putting the peanut butter back in the cupboard it falls off the shelf because I didn't put it far enough back and it falls onto Brian's hot cup of tea and it spills over onto my stomach and burns me! I start screaming and crying like any normal person would. Brian rushes over and checks out my burn like a good husband and fireman and gets some ice. He then continues to ice my stomach and make it all better! I just love him so much! As I said before, today was one heck of a day, but it will definitely make for a good story to tell one day.

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