Monday, April 29, 2013

The Long Awaited Email

We have been waiting and waiting to hear where we will be going for our next base, and last night the email came telling us that the information was awaiting Brian when he goes to work. So last night we were guessing where we would go and hoping for our first choice. 

Lets go back about 4 months. 

We decided we wanted to go overseas to Europe. We don't have any children and we don't own a lot of stuff so we figured the time was perfect to go see the world. I was so excited about this, I was planning everything from how to decorate our future house to places we would visit. We put down Germany for our first choice and Belgium for our second choice, we were so excited and everyone kept telling us we had a really good chance of going overseas so we kept our hopes up and we waited and waited, and then waited some more to hear anything. 

A few weeks ago the U.S. listing came out which made our chances of going overseas very slim. As Brian told me all the bases available for us to go to I was pretty upset, he was at work so he had no idea how upset I was. I had gotten my hopes up of weekend trips to different countries and visiting historical sites, I had no intention of going to somewhere in the states. 

I decided that I would research all the places on the list and find the safest place, so I spent all night researching and acting like a crazy person and then we both decided we liked South Dakota and South Carolina, so Brian put them down as his top 3 choices. (there are two bases in South Carolina and one in South Dakota making 3 bases) He submitted his choices and we were back at the waiting game. At this point I could care less about Europe I really wanted to go to South Dakota there are lots of things to do there, Brian's brother is there, we would be about 5 hours away from my grandma and aunts, and to top it off there's a Target in town (what more could a girl ask for?) So now my hopes are up way high and Brian's are just at a normal level high, but at the same time we accepted the reality of possibly going to a horrible place like North Dakota or Idaho. Needless to say we did a whole lot of praying.

Last night was very exciting because we received that email and of course I want Brian to go straight to work and find out, but he made me wait until he went to work tonight. At 6:26 pm I received the call I have been waiting for, and Brian calmly tells me we are going to.....


I am so beyond happy, it is exactly where we wanted to go. So there you have it, we will be headed there in September around the 15th. We are so excited and we are looking forward to this new chapter in our lives.

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