Saturday, January 18, 2014

22 Weeks

Here's a little update on me and the baby since people have been asking and for some reason people think i'm sick. So in order to keep everyone on the same page I figured I will write a post for all of you. I know I have been posting a lot lately so I hope this doesn't annoy anyone, here we go! Also don't read this too seriously it's supposed to be taken lightly.

As of today I am officially 22 weeks pregnant with our baby girl.

I am barely showing and if you didn't know I was preggers you would probably think I had too much to eat and if you saw me eat that would confirm your suspicion. I grow small babies.

I am not sick at all, the morning sickness ended around 11 weeks (knock on wood) and I would rather die than have it come back. This annoys Brian because we have a lifetime supply of preggie pops that I never used and no we wont give them away, if you want them you'll have to buy them off of us.

I love sweet foods, I eat cuties all the time. Everyone at work jokes and asks if I ever eat anything else, so today I brought a salad. Take that suckas!

I eat so much food! I used to be the cheapest date Brian ever had now its embarrassing to take me out, I usually eat more than he does. Don't give me that "you're eating for two" crap, I'm eating for like 5 or 6.

I started feeling the baby move recently and I hate it. It feels like a fish is swimming angerly around in there, but I've started tuning it out like random background noise.

We have picked a name, but I don't want to tell you what it is, not to keep it a secret i just have no desire to tell anyone unless they pry it out of me.

I am not one of those women that loves being pregnant, I hate it and I cant wait until this whole thing is over with, however getting whatever food I want is a bonus!

I love my job so much! It helps time fly by. Before I know it I'm going to have a baby!

Heartburn is a jerk! I don't get it often but when I do Satan might as well be living in my throat..

We have begun painting the nursery! The colors we chose were two light shades of purple and white. Now, we don't want everyone to take this information and buy us purple everything, other colors would be nice if you choose to get us something.

We are registered at target, in case you aren't sure how to access our registry go to go to the registries tab under baby click on find. It will ask for a name put Brian and our last name and it should come up.

For now I believe I am out of things to tell you. I hope you all didn't take this too seriously and I hope you all have a fantastic day!

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