Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Act of Anger

I'm sure we all have known someone in our lives who has made them angry. When I say angry I mean the worst kind of anger imaginable and you think to yourself "I hate that person" and you probably feel like you mean it.

Hate is such a strong word and I feel as a society if we stopped using it to describe things we dislike all the time we as a people would be much happier and more forgiving. Its hard when someone angers you by saying something rude, accusing you of things you never did, bullying you, whatever the case may be to forgive them and to truly mean it.

As a crazy pregnant lady with hormones flying everywhere it is very easy to upset me and put me in a bad mood so believe me when I say I know anger. When we consider how to respond to whoever is upsetting us we need to take a minute to think about how it will make the other person feel on the inside and to think about how it would make you feel if someone said that to you, if it's not a good feeling we should not respond because how is anger and sadness going to benefit the relationships we have in our lives? Even if you don't know the person why would you want to make someone feel horrible inside? No one I know of enjoys feeling horrible, angry or sad. We all need to take a good look at ourselves and try to be better even if it's just smiling at a stranger, because you never know how bad their day is going.

One of the things I try to remember when dealing with upsetting situations is how Jesus would respond. I'm not even kidding, it may sound silly or what have you, but it really makes you sit and think. Jesus Christ was the most loving and caring person I know of. With every situation he was given he always acted with compassion and love. I feel that we all need to consider responding with love and compassion instead of hate and disdain and to try to be more like Jesus and treat everyone with respect and kindness.

Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to read this, This topic has been weighing on me recently and I just wanted to get some thoughts out and maybe try to help someone else that may be dealing with these emotions.

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