Saturday, July 26, 2014

Chloe is 2 months old!

Our sweet Chloe is 2 months old today! We are so blessed to have her in our family! Here is the update on how she is doing and what she is like:

She is one of the happiest babies I have ever been around 
and I love it. 
She is sleeping through the night.
She is so close to holding her head up.
She just started taking a pacifier, but wont sleep with it in.
She still fits in her newborn onesies, but I think in the next week or so we will have to change to 0-3 month.
In sleepers she is in the 3 month size because her legs are so long!
She smiles when she sees us.
She loves getting her diaper changed, the moment it gets dirty she will throw the biggest fit.
She eats 5-6 oz about every hour and a half.
She hates being put in her car seat, but once she's in shes the happiest baby.
We love morning nap time, around 9 am we lay down on the couch and crash until 11 or 12. It varies based
on how much she eats after she wakes up in the morning.
Daddy loves getting her dressed and holding her.
She can sleep through anything! From the day she was born we made sure to not tip toe around when she 
was sleeping and now she sleeps through everything: fireworks, dogs barking, loud music, etc shes a trooper!

We just love her so much!

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