Friday, August 15, 2014

July visitors!

In July we had quite a few family visitors. My mom and sister Kendael came at the beginning of the month. We had so much fun with them! We had little miss Chloe blessed while they were here on July 6th, my mom brought the blessing dress I was blessed in so we had Chloe blessed in it and the cutest little booties Brian's Grandma Dvorak made her. After the blessing we changed her out of it and into an adorable white dress that my Dad and Shay sent us! I'm so glad she was able to wear it because two weeks later it didn't fit her anymore! After church we drove down to keystone which is right by Mt. Rushmore. We went and visited the monument and then we walked around Keystone and had a wonderful time! For the most part we just relaxed at home, we did have dinner with Brian at the firehouse which is always a good experience. He gave them a tour and showed them the firetrucks, it was really fun to see everything. On one of the days Brian was working I took them to a crystal cave that my friend Lexi works at and we took a tour. It was so neat to see all the different types of crystal in the cave and because it was all alive we couldn't touch the walls so when the floor would get slippery or the walk ways narrow it was hard to get through the cave seeing as I was carrying the baby, but we made it out alive! We had a wonderful visit and we were so sad to see them go.

Blessing Day!
Mount Rushmore!

First time seeing Mt. Rushmore!

Black Hills Crystal Caverns!

 Napping with Grandma Kim!

Snuggles with Auntie Neno and Grandma!

Bye! Until next time!

At the very end of the month my Grandma Loris, Auntie Kay, Aunt Tina, and cousins Lily, and Gavin all came to visit for 3 days. It was so fun to see them and spend time with them. We also had dinner with Brian at the firehouse. He gave them a tour and Chloe was sleeping in her car seat when an airplane took off right outside the stalls, it was so loud but my cute baby slept right through it! It was insane, this kid can sleep through anything! The next night we went to the summer nights festival they have here on Thursday nights and the Budweiser Clydesdale's where there! It was one of the coolest things I've seen all summer! We enjoyed seeing that and walking around.

Story time!

Brian had to work on their last day here so since he was gone we decided to go to Custer state park for the day. Before we left I had to put dinner in the crock pot, but in order to do that I had to go to the store to buy the ingredients. Once everyone got to my house Aunt Tina and I went to base to go to the commissary, first I had to go get my I.D. from the firehouse because I had left it in the car. Brian met us at the car and I told him we would try to make it around 5:30 so he could show Gavin how to do stuff on the fire trucks. We left and went to the commissary and picked up the items I needed, when we got to the rice I didn't know what to get so after some debating we decided regular white rice was the ticket. We checked out and headed home, Lily helped me prepare dinner, then we left for Custer state park. It was such a beautiful drive and once we made it into the park we saw a few animals! We saw buffalo, antelope, prairie dogs, and my favorite, wild burros. We were able to get out and pet them which was so awesome! On our way back we took a teeny detour and drove up to this tower type thing, which grandma wanted to climb so I went with her and it started to rain. You could say we were a bit wet when we got back to the car. We finally headed back home and by the time we got to the house it was 6:30 so I quickly threw the rice in the crock pot, but not the 2 cups I normally would have put in. I put the whole bag in because it didn't look right with just 2 cups. We left for base and dinner should have been done when we got there, but it wasn't, the rice was still super crunchy. Brian asked what kind of rice we had gotten so I told him what we bought. Come to find out we needed to buy minute rice, now it would take forever for dinner to finish! While we waited Brian pulled the fire truck out and showed Gavin a bunch of different things, he even let him shoot water out of the hose! So of course he turned around and soaked grandma with it. It was so funny we were all laughing so hard! I was able to climb the latter! I was so excited, but it wasn't like a normal latter so it was a bit scary climbing it. After we finished up with the fire truck we went and checked on dinner, it still wasn't done so we left some for Brian and went home. Aunt Tina was brilliant and fixed it by adding water and putting it in the microwave and eventually we all ate. We had such a fun time while they were here!
Snuggles and play time with grandma Loris!

Chloe loved Lily!

Aunt Tina played dress up!

Budweiser Clydesdale's at the Summer Nights festival
The dog from the commercials.

Playing with Aunt Tina!
Sometimes I'm not the best picture taker.. Case and point this first picture. I thought I was getting them both, but I wasn't.
Selfie with Gavin & Grandma. Wild Donkey!
Baby Donkeys!

Daddy Donkey
Raining in the distance.
Dinner with daddy!
I climbed the ladder! I was scared so Brian went first.
Chloe driving the fire truck
Playing in daddies helmet!
Tuckered out after an awesome day!

While my mom and Kendael were here we had to put my dear dog Rusty down. He was such a sweet dog who, in the words of my dear friend Laura, "half-hated anyone who wasn't you" I loved that dog so much, he was my friend when at times it felt like I didn't have any. I told him all my secrets and we cuddled and napped all the time. We went on many adventures and traveled all over the US. He loved his best dog friend Thor and no matter how much I wanted to be his favorite person that place in his heart was always reserved for Brian. He followed him everywhere he went and loved him unconditionally. He will forever be missed! Rest in peace Rusty, I will always love you! <3

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