Friday, August 29, 2014

A letter from Chloe

It's official, I have reached 3 months old under my mommies care! I love her so much, but she cant keep a plant alive for more than a month so I only hope that she would do better with me! Let me tell you what, she's awesome! She gives me an all you can eat buffet everyday and even helps me shake my booty! Sometimes she plays this peek-a-boo game that I don't understand quite yet. She sings to me all the time and I sing with her!

I love talking to mommy, but I especially love talking to daddy! I tell him all of my dreams for when I'm a big girl and I tell him about all of my favorite things! He is so funny! He lets me do a lot of things that mommy doesn't. He had something called Led Zeppelin on just the other day and I sure did like that! Shh, don't tell mommy! I really like watching the big picture mover! Daddy and I like to watch all of the colors move around! We like dancing and singing together. I love falling asleep with daddy, he is so warm and comfy! 

I just discovered something mommy and daddy call feet. I haven't quite made my mind up about these things yet, I stare at them a lot, I am trying to figure out what their purpose is. The other night I found out daddy has these things too! They were so big, I do not think he knows they are there. He does not look at them, I should find a way to show him them.
I also have discovered hands and fingers. These things are so cool, they go in my mouth and move around! I love grabbing things with them! I grabbed mommies hair yesterday and held on so tight, she seemed to love it so I think I'll do it again tomorrow! 

There are some smaller creatures that run around my house, I think mommy and daddy call them a Molly and Thor, I do not know if I like them or not. They always come up and lick my feet, especially the Molly. She really likes licking my feet! 

Mommy likes to take me in a place she calls the bathroom, I like this room because I get to see my baby friend! She likes talking at the same time as me, and her mommy looks just like my mommy! I also get to take what they call a bath when I'm in there. I do not think I like these bath things, I keep trying to tell mommy that I do not like them, but she keeps doing them!

The other day mommy and daddy took me to a strange mommies house and she was using this thing that clicked a lot. Mommy kept taking things off of me and putting different things on me, I did not like this and was done playing with the other mommy so I went to sleep. They kept waking me up and I was not happy about this, they finally got the memo and we came to the home. 

That is all of the things that I wanted to tell you about, I am going to take my nap now! Mommy took something called pictures so I will put some on here!

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