Thursday, September 4, 2014

The dog that eats paint

Here's a short little story to brighten your Thursday morning. 
We have discovered many things that Molly enjoys dappling in. On occasion she'll eat a pacifier or two, the occasional dirty diaper, she'll even snatch our food when we turn away. The strangest thing to date was what I discovered this morning. I've been working on a painting for a friend over the last few days and this morning when I walked away I heard slurping coming from the other room. Curious I walked back in and see Molly fleeing the scene and a whole lot of paint missing. There were paint spots on the coffee table and I knew exactly what had happened. She enjoys eating acrylic paint! I don't know about you, but I do not think it even smells good and you would think that would be enough to deter her from sucking it down. Nothing stops this dog! When she wants it she will usually find a way to get it. I have learned my lesson, I need to paint at the table like a 5 year old. At least it'll keep Molly out of one more thing until she finds something else to eat.

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