Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The little plants that grew

As some may know, I am a terrible gardener. When I say terrible I don't think that truly describes how horrible I am at it. I unfortunately did not get the green thumb from my mom, who can grow and keep anything alive. I am so bad I cant even keep a cactus alive. For the last two summers Brian has gone out and bought me seeds so I can grow flowers. Last summer I was doing pretty good, the seeds sprouted and I was so excited. I went to California for Kendael's graduation and Brian moved the sprout lings outside into a planter. When I got back a month later my flowers were blooming! 

They were so beautiful, until I started caring for them. They died a slow and miserable death. This summer Brian went out and bought me some more seeds, I was so excited to plant them! This time we just started in the planters. I knew they probably wouldn't bloom because we started them in June, I was okay with this. I have literally watered them like 10 times and they're doing great! Brian came to me a few days ago and told me that one of the plants had a flower blooming! I was so excited, I went and checked the next day and sure enough there was a flower! It hadn't bloomed yet, but it was a flower!

I felt so accomplished until it was ripped away from me! I went out two days later to check on it and it was gone! The strong winds from the night before took my flower away. I was very sad about this, but today I noticed little blooms all over! Hopefully I am able to see them bloom. With the weather being stupid and it supposedly is supposed to snow, I doubt they will make it.

Sorry the pictures are a little blurry

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