Thursday, October 30, 2014

Chloe is 5 months!

I just love my sweet girl so much! I love that I get to spend everyday with her. She is my best friend! Here are some updates about how she's doing.

  • She officially rolls over from her tummy to her back. Now we just have to work on getting her from her back to her tummy.
  • She just started grabbing her feet this morning.
  • She is very interactive with her toy rings and pacifiers
  • She doesn't necessarily love tummy time, but she is definitely enjoying it more and rolls over all the time!
  • She is always laughing at things I do, when I talk to her, when I make faces at her, etc
  • She loves standing, with help of course!
  • She gets very excited when she sees daddy or mommy, she is so full of love!
  • She still doesn't like anyone else, just mommy and daddy. Hopefully this is just a phase and she will get through it and let other people hold her/ talk to her.
  • She is very selective with who she lets talk to her. If she doesn't want you talking to her, she will let you know.
  • We sing together, yes she sings and its adorable!
  • She loves the dogs and is very observant of them. When they get close enough she grabs them and puts whatever is in her hands in her mouth. The dogs, especially Molly are very patient with her and haven't really reacted to her grabbing them. 
  • Everything goes in her mouth
  • I'm pretty sure she's teething, we have had a rough couple of weeks sleeping at night.
  • she still hates her car seat, here's to a new one tomorrow! Hopefully its more comfortable and she's happier with it.
  • She can take her pacifier out of her mouth, turn it around, chew on it, then turn it back around and put it back in her mouth right side up. I'm still impressed with this.
  • Bath time is becoming a favorite time of hers. After we are all done washing I let her splash in the water for a couple minutes and she loves it!
  • She plays this game when she wakes up from her naps where she will turn and have her arm extended out then turn back towards me then repeat and she thinks this is so funny!
  • She enjoys touching our faces, but especially when she's nursing.... She always tries to stick her hand in my mouth.
Those are the new developments, She is growing and weighing more and more everyday!
See what I mean when I say everything goes in her mouth.

This is what I'm talking about with her touching our faces. It's rather cute!

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