Saturday, October 25, 2014

Scare in the square

Around here they always have something going on in the downtown area. During fall they do a few things, but for Halloween they did a downtown trick or treat. We had so much fun and even dressed up! Well Chloe and I did, I let Brian out of it for today for a couple reasons, the main one being he didn't have any black clothes so he walked Thor. I dressed up as a bank robber and Chloe was my bag of loot! (For Halloween Brian and I will both be bank robbers) I got Chloe all dressed up and then got myself dressed and we headed downtown! 

It was a whole lot warmer than I imagined it was going to be, which made my "costume" quite unpleasant, but at least I didn't wear the mask. I haven't finished all the costumes yet, I have one more thing for Chloe's, and I have to get matching shirts for Brian and I and spray paint them. Anyways once we got downtown I got Chloe out of her car seat and headed towards main street square while Brian found parking. Once Brian caught up we met up with the McCormick's (one of the fire families) and did some trick or treating!

Chloe was so cute and held her own bag, I did get a lot of looks for having her trick or treat because she wouldn't be "eating the candy." My reasoning is that I want to have this memory with my baby and no one will ruin that for me! I've been waiting to do a theme costume for awhile now and you can't take that from me! We had a lot of fun and can't wait for Halloween so we can wear our full costumes!

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