Saturday, November 29, 2014

Chloe is 6 months old!

Half a year has gone by since my sweet girl was born, HALF A YEAR! Before I know it she'll be moving out! She is growing and learning everyday. She is doing so great and is getting so big! Here are some of her updates!

She now rolls back to front and front to back.
She always wants to be on the move and is constantly squirming.
She loves to jump and if she's not squirming she is trying to jump, we are working on getting her a jumper.
She loves to stick out her tongue and make noise with it.
She is still very clingy, but I don't mind.
She loves seeing her daddy right after he gets home from work in the mornings.
We have started to feed her baby food, she is not exactly a fan... at all.
She loves grabbing her feet and trying to eat them.
She is very attentive and is starting to differentiate between different items.
She loves bright things, she gravitates towards bright yellows and reds. Usually she tries to reach for a cup i'm drinking out of if its one of those colors, so we found a little blue cup for her and she LOVES it!
She also loves phones and the bright pictures, she likes chewing on them especially Brian's phone because it's bigger, but she gets drool under the case so she has to settle for mine.
She is starting to sit with a little help.
She puts everything in her mouth, especially cords and cables so we have to keep a very close eye on her when she's rolling around.
We are making our second attempt at swaddle weaning her and its not going perfectly, but it's better than the first time.
She loves the dogs, she is always reaching for them and trying to grab them. When she does get a hold of them they are so patient and don't try to bite her or anything!
She can take her pacifier out turn it around flip it upside down and get it back in her mouth the right way.
She is down to 2 naps a day, even though I try to get her to take a 3rd one because she's much happier when she does. I guess she really just wants to be awake!
She is finally reaching for things!
On Thanksgiving she sat all by herself!

I believe those are all of the updates! I hope everyone had a great Holiday!

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