Sunday, January 11, 2015

Chloe turned 7 months!!

Yes I am a little behind and I don't have pictures to accompany this post, but I'm still going to fill you all in!
Chloe turned 7 months on the 26th of December and she got to be in California for it! We went home for Christmas and got to see so many people, it was awesome! She met almost all of her Grandparents and Aunts/ Uncles and we had a fabulous time while there! 
Chloe is growing so fast, we literally skipped the 9 month clothing phase with pants, she went from 6 months to 12 months overnight! 
She can sit on her own when sat down and she can say dada. She pretty much calls everything dada, but that's not the important part! 
She is definitely a mamas girl and I love it! She is so funny and loves trying to make me laugh! 
She loves spending mornings with her daddy and laughing at him. 
The dogs are her best friends until they accidentally knock her over then they're her enemies, but she really does love them. 
She has tasted many foods and I think her favorites have been whipped cream and pineapples, too bad she has to wait until she's older to fully enjoy these delicious foods. 
She loves spoons, but prefers knifes. (Don't worry we only let her play with the spoons) 
We haven't gotten a good solid laugh out of her but her short bursts are good enough for us. 
She is so beautiful and we love her so much!

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