Sunday, March 29, 2015

Little Miss is 10 months old.

A lot has happened this month, Chloe started walking! She's a walking maniac! She's getting really good at it too, until she gets excited then she falls down. Overall, she does awesome and everyday she gets better. She loves being flipped upside down and tickled. She is so sneaky and loves to try and escape the living room without me noticing, but I usually find her behind the couch or in the dining room. 

She also got her first tooth! This last week has been one of the worst we have had, she didn't sleep well and in turn I didn't sleep well. The tooth finally broke through and I am back to getting 3 hour stretches of sleep for now. Her other front tooth is sitting under her gums and hasn't made it's move just yet, but when it does I will be ready with the Tylenol! 

We have been taking Chloe outside more and letting her discover her surroundings. Today we went to the dog park and let her play in the half dead grass. She kept picking up whatever she could get her hands on and she would put it in her mouth. I chased her down and kept things from being swallowed and this quickly turned into a fun game for her. 

We have so much fun playing with her and she loves attacking us after she chases us down. She is so much fun! Our photo shoot today was a little different than usual. We did it before bed, so the lighting wasn't ideal and she was in her pj's, but we got some good pictures.

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