Sunday, March 1, 2015

My Sweet Chloe Turned 9 Months Old

How did I end up with the most beautiful baby? I think this to myself every night as I rock her to sleep. She is getting so big, I was looking at her hands the other day and she must have gone through a growth spurt recently because her fingers were noticeably bigger then they were 2 weeks ago. 

We had Chloe's 9 month doctors appointment on the 26th (her 9 month mark) and she is doing fabulous! She weighs 18.1 pounds and is in the 35th percentile, she is pretty average for her height, she is at 27.5 inches and in the 50th percentile. Overall she is growing like she should be and is a happy healthy baby. 

We have increased the amount of baby food she eats per day because she loves to eat and she sleeps better with more baby food in her. She eats fruits on the morning and veggies at night. She is pretty good about eating whatever we give her unless its bananas then she will protest. So we just get the fruit mixes and she loves them. We also have started giving her the little puff snacks, let me tell you what, those are like crack to her! She sees the container and she flips out, it is quite possibly one of the funniest things I have ever seen. We have also been giving her tiny pieces of fruit and sometimes a little bit of peanut butter! She not quite sold on the peanut butter just yet.

She is so funny all the time! She has the greatest laugh and smile. She loves laughing and making us laugh, she is constantly on the move and for the last month she has been standing up! She hasn't taken much interest in walking just yet, but in due time i'm sure she will be taking off running. 

She loves playing with her toys and with us and she really loves bath time. We have this adorable little duck tub and she loves feeling the different textures and trying to put some part of it in her mouth. She will give me raspberries every once in a while and it makes me laugh every time! She recently has started licking the dogs, when I say lick I mean she will stick out her tongue and puts it on their faces. It's so sweet to see them interact with her, especially now that she can follow them around. She also gives the best slobbery kisses and I love every minute of it!

We just love her so much! I can't wait to see what the next month will bring!

As you can see, she had her own idea of how her photo shoot was going to go. She has discovered that she can make the chair rock, half the time I was making sure she didn't fall out. We also had a tiny melt down!

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