Sunday, April 7, 2013

My Easter Gift

I basically have the cutest husband in the whole world! He knows how fed up I am with house plants because Thor keeps eating them, examples 1 and 2 below.

These pictures do not even cover how much soil was on my carpet or how far it went, it was literally everywhere! To top it off the soil was wet so I couldn't vacuum it up. So overall you can say I'm completely done with house plants. 

For Easter I bought these cute little buckets ($1.50 each heck yeah!) to make Brian an Easter basket with. No, I don't have any pictures of the Easter baskets, but I do have one of just the buckets so you can see how super cute they are!

After all the Easter hype died down we emptied the buckets and Brian took me to the BX (Base Exchange) to do some shopping. The whole time we were there he wouldn't tell me what we were doing, and it never clicked which is odd for me because I'm usually really good at figuring things out. We went to the gardening section and he had me pick out 2 flower seed packets that I fancied, I thought we were just going to plant them in our backyard when the snow melted. We came home and this is when things clicked, he had me go grab the buckets while he got the soil. He then proceeded to plant these little seeds in the buckets and water them, and he made sure to label them so I wouldn't forget what they were! To top it all off they just started sprouting! Now I have cute baby flowers.

 I just love him so so much and I suppose he's off the hook for buying me flowers for awhile.

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