Thursday, October 30, 2014

Chloe is 5 months!

I just love my sweet girl so much! I love that I get to spend everyday with her. She is my best friend! Here are some updates about how she's doing.

  • She officially rolls over from her tummy to her back. Now we just have to work on getting her from her back to her tummy.
  • She just started grabbing her feet this morning.
  • She is very interactive with her toy rings and pacifiers
  • She doesn't necessarily love tummy time, but she is definitely enjoying it more and rolls over all the time!
  • She is always laughing at things I do, when I talk to her, when I make faces at her, etc
  • She loves standing, with help of course!
  • She gets very excited when she sees daddy or mommy, she is so full of love!
  • She still doesn't like anyone else, just mommy and daddy. Hopefully this is just a phase and she will get through it and let other people hold her/ talk to her.
  • She is very selective with who she lets talk to her. If she doesn't want you talking to her, she will let you know.
  • We sing together, yes she sings and its adorable!
  • She loves the dogs and is very observant of them. When they get close enough she grabs them and puts whatever is in her hands in her mouth. The dogs, especially Molly are very patient with her and haven't really reacted to her grabbing them. 
  • Everything goes in her mouth
  • I'm pretty sure she's teething, we have had a rough couple of weeks sleeping at night.
  • she still hates her car seat, here's to a new one tomorrow! Hopefully its more comfortable and she's happier with it.
  • She can take her pacifier out of her mouth, turn it around, chew on it, then turn it back around and put it back in her mouth right side up. I'm still impressed with this.
  • Bath time is becoming a favorite time of hers. After we are all done washing I let her splash in the water for a couple minutes and she loves it!
  • She plays this game when she wakes up from her naps where she will turn and have her arm extended out then turn back towards me then repeat and she thinks this is so funny!
  • She enjoys touching our faces, but especially when she's nursing.... She always tries to stick her hand in my mouth.
Those are the new developments, She is growing and weighing more and more everyday!
See what I mean when I say everything goes in her mouth.

This is what I'm talking about with her touching our faces. It's rather cute!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Scare in the square

Around here they always have something going on in the downtown area. During fall they do a few things, but for Halloween they did a downtown trick or treat. We had so much fun and even dressed up! Well Chloe and I did, I let Brian out of it for today for a couple reasons, the main one being he didn't have any black clothes so he walked Thor. I dressed up as a bank robber and Chloe was my bag of loot! (For Halloween Brian and I will both be bank robbers) I got Chloe all dressed up and then got myself dressed and we headed downtown! 

It was a whole lot warmer than I imagined it was going to be, which made my "costume" quite unpleasant, but at least I didn't wear the mask. I haven't finished all the costumes yet, I have one more thing for Chloe's, and I have to get matching shirts for Brian and I and spray paint them. Anyways once we got downtown I got Chloe out of her car seat and headed towards main street square while Brian found parking. Once Brian caught up we met up with the McCormick's (one of the fire families) and did some trick or treating!

Chloe was so cute and held her own bag, I did get a lot of looks for having her trick or treat because she wouldn't be "eating the candy." My reasoning is that I want to have this memory with my baby and no one will ruin that for me! I've been waiting to do a theme costume for awhile now and you can't take that from me! We had a lot of fun and can't wait for Halloween so we can wear our full costumes!

Friday, October 24, 2014

The pumpkin patch.

Out of my 24 years on this earth I have never been to a pumpkin patch. Now before you start saying how "my childhood was ruined" because of this (which it wasn't) let me explain. I grew up in New Mexico and there weren't really any pumpkin patches that my parents knew of. Besides, back then they weren't the crazy spectacles they are now. Now that I've gotten that out of the way, Brian and I wanted to take Chloe to one of the pumpkin patches here. One of the families from the fire department was going and asked if we wanted to meet up, so we did. It was out in Spearfish, which is about an hour away. We got loaded up in the car and headed out. It was such a pretty drive, I enjoyed looking at all the houses on the way. When we got to the patch we parked and got in line to get inside. When we got to the front they were charging $7.00 per person, I know I haven't had much experience with these things, but that seemed a bit excessive. After paying we went inside and looked around, there was one of those cut outs that you can put your face in. I tried getting Chloe to look up, but that didn't happen. 

They also had a couple animals you could kind of pet, but not really, a corn maze, and a couple other things for the kids. We decided to meet up with the family first then decide what to do. They were in the corn maze so while we waited we went over to the animals, I wanted to pet the goat they had. So naturally I make Chloe do it, but she wasn't super into it. After our rendezvous with the goat we met up with the family and decided to go into the maze! I wish I had gotten a picture of the map, it was literally like looking at hieroglyphics I had no idea where to start. Since I was carrying Chloe, Brian had the map. I felt confident we would do good, and we did until I handed Chloe to Brian and I took the map and we got to this circle part. We got so lost, not even the map could help us so we took some pictures and Brian had us look into the sun... it was awful!

Eventually we found the right path, Brian took the map from me and we did pretty good the rest of the time. I guess we got lost a second time, however Brian did good at not letting me know. We made it out of the maze and went to this big bucket of corn and Brian sat Chloe in it.


By this time she was starting to get a little fussy so we couldn't get any good pictures of her. We took her over to where the pumpkins were and they were all gross looking. We found one that looked half decent and tried to get some pictures of Chloe "sitting" on them, it didn't really work out. 

(the only half decent one)
We decided that now was a good time to leave so we said our good-byes and got on the road and went home. We ended up getting some pumpkins at Walmart for $3.88 and they're a good size! We had a lot of fun spending time together and cant wait to carve the pumpkins!